Color Matching
New, Kartelacım Color Matching!
Kartelacım calibrates your color chart in RGB and CMYK color spaces in accordance with ISO Fogra standards. In this way, you can safely share your colors with your customers on mobile media or in your printed catalogues...
Stay ahead of your competitors with this latest technology among color marketing systems.
Regardless of the type of your color chart or the surface your colors are applied to, we carry your colors to the digital environment with our advanced color measurement and calibration technologies. Moreover, you can get these services independent of the color chart production. So for these processes, you just need to send the pre-produced color chart or R&D color samples!
Save on your costs, reach more audiences
Before sharing your original color chart for those interested in your colors, share your color space at lower costs to give a general idea. You can do this either in mobile environments or with your printed inserts. Reach more audiences in high-demand environments such as social media and fairs.
We set a standard for the digital world
They are output in lossless file formats so that you can present your colors in virtual environments such as website, mobile application, mobile vision, fair screens and mailing. While creating these outputs, the closest result to the real color is aimed by processing on verified color measuring devices and screens. It carries ISO Fogra standards. Colors are given either as a single image or in lossless file formats applied on your color chart design. This system is used to give your customers an idea about your colors.
Your colors in all your printed works
Your colors are printed in CMYK color space so that you can give an idea to your customers in your printed works. It carries ISO Fogra standards. Colors are given either as a single image or in print formats applied on your color chart design. Since our machines are calibrated to ISO Fogra standards, we recommend printing in our own printing house, this will give you more accurate results. This system is used to give your customers an idea about your colors.
Sustainable products
Sustainability is not just about producing recyclable products. It's also about finding new ways of what we're dealing with. With this in mind, we designed our own eco-efficiency strategy. We also have a sustainable innovation program that uses sustainability tools to measure our success.
Our planet
In the face of the growing threat of climate change and a shortage of raw materials, sustainability is vital to the future of our planet. We are constantly looking for ways to minimize our impact on the earth and its resources by concentrating on the efficiency of materials, energy, climate, water use, and cleaning the land and air around us.