
Color Chips

Kartelacım has the technical expertise to provide you with accurate color samples to match your products.

Colors need to be accurate, attractive and inspiring. In the chip system, in addition to the traditional use of real wet paint, the same effects can be obtained with equivalent paints. Color chips can be arranged in color systems that are typical or can be designed to your specifications.

Color chips are the most popular way for your consumers to choose the right color. To make this choice, your customers need color chips that exactly match their hue, gloss level and texture. When your customer buys your paints, the color they choose on the color chart should match the color they get.

Your reputation as a paint manufacturer depends on it…

Suitable for Color Matching

We can deliver your color calibrations in RGB or CMYK formats in accordance with ISO Fogra standards so that you can share your completed colored surfaces on your color chart on mobile media (Mailing, Website, Mobile App, etc.) or in your printed catalogues.

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